Embryo adoption (St.Petersburg)

Embryo online database

Select eye color and blood group of genetic mother and father

Genetic mother

Eyes color
Blood group

Genetic father

Eyes color
Blood group
Found: 381 donors
Select embryo
Genetic mother Genetic father
39616 A(II) Rh- 23034 AB(IV) Rh+ 5AB 480140
61559 AB(IV) Rh+ 23034 AB(IV) Rh+ 3BB 480235
61559 AB(IV) Rh+ 23034 AB(IV) Rh+ 3AB 480236
77439 O(I) Rh+ 23034 AB(IV) Rh+ 5AB 479954
77439 O(I) Rh+ 23034 AB(IV) Rh+ 3BB 479949
77439 O(I) Rh+ 23034 AB(IV) Rh+ 4AB 479957
77439 O(I) Rh+ 23034 AB(IV) Rh+ 4AA 479950
77439 O(I) Rh+ 23034 AB(IV) Rh+ 5AA 479956
39616 A(II) Rh- 23034 AB(IV) Rh+ 3BB 480139
60014 AB(IV) Rh+ 45893 A(II) Rh+ 4AB 480442